Decide What You Want - by Saratoga

Before you decide what you wish to create, it is very helpful to make a preliminary decision first. This preliminary decision has to do with how empowered you want to feel. It has to do with the platform of consciousness from which you will attempt to manifest your dreams.

There are only two positions to take in life. One is that of a creator and the other is that of a victim. A creator says "I can" and a victim says "I can't because..." So before you decide what you want, first decide what position you are willing to take.

The position of a victim is very easy because it means that you won't have to do anything. Change does not happen in an atmosphere of "I can't". The reward in this position is that you will continue to have the same experience you have had so far. And you will have many good and valid reasons for that experience.
The position of a creator proposes an immediate challenge to your status quo. It says "I can change. And I will." Of course in this position you will definitely have to do something. You will have placed yourself in a position to exercise your power and your will. You will have decided to transcend the land of excuses. You will have left the roadblocks of excuses behind.

Once you have chosen your position, you are ready to decide what you want. Hopefully you have chosen the position without the roadblocks.

A decision about what you want is so important, because it tells you where and how to focus your energy. Otherwise you could languish in the land of wishful thinking. Some people refer to this decision as a goal.

A lot of people shudder at the word "goal" because it reminds them of all the times that they failed to reach one. But why not let it remind you of the many times that you did reach a goal? In fact, if you think about it, there are probably times in your life when you reached some really big, long-term goals, along with many small ones along the way.

A goal is nothing more than a decision about what you want. This is how a creator views it. A victim, on the other hand, views a goal as some ominous, self-imposed thing that tries to force him or her to do something they don't really want to do. Thus they may see a goal as a way to mark their projected failure.

If you frame the idea of a goal as deciding what you want, then it's like shopping in the universe. And that sounds like a lot more fun, doesn't it? Imagine yourself shopping for ideas about the life that you wish to create. Now pick up some of those ideas and bring them home to your heart.

Click here to read the accompanying channeled message from Miribi of Telstar.


Copyright © 2015 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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