Happiness and Peace are the Highest Goals by Miribi (Telstar)
Dearest friends, as you set your intentions for the coming year remember the two most important things that make everything else worthwhile. Both of these things are an outgrowth of love. Happiness and peace let you know that you have created that which exists in alignment with your heart.
It is so easy to think of goals as obligatory in nature, whether to yourself or to others. But when setting intentions that align with your heart, it is best to have no "shoulds" involved. A goal set from passion is motivated by love. A goal that is obligatory in nature is bound to fail.
It is easy to be passionate about feeling happy, if you are open and receptive to that idea. It is also quite natural to long for peace with all your heart and soul. The greatest obstacle to these things is disbelief that such things are possible.
If the conditions in your life are not conducive to peace and happiness, then you must be willing to change or transform those conditions. If you are unwilling to change anything, then peace and happiness can elude you and seem impossible.
Consider setting the ultimate goal for yourself. Consider intending a peaceful life, where you can be happy. Let these two highest experiences be your markers for whatever goals you intend.
Let us discuss exactly what it is that begets these two experiences. Firstly, you must decide to create a life you can love. This is often the greatest challenge, because such a life may fly in the face of conventional understanding. It will most certainly fly in the face of fear.
Human beings on planet Earth are very good at adapting to almost any situation, even those situations that are completely out of harmony with their true nature. It is often referred to as "being strong". But one must ultimately ask him or herself if merely coping with an adversarial condition is the best use of one's strength.
What about the strength and courage to create joy? What about the strength and courage to change one's life for the better? If you do not have an intention for happiness, then you will likely find yourself willing to put up with anything. And the same thing goes for peace. One must desire these things in order to be effective at creating them.
Peace occurs when life exists in harmony with your entire biological and spiritual nature. Peace is the byproduct of removing obstacles to joy. Happiness occurs when your inner being has found its perfect outlet for expression.
My suggestion for each of you is to do the following: Before you settle on any specific goal, see if you can be passionate about wanting peace and happiness. Before you embark on any future undertakings, ask yourself if you can see peace and happiness as a reward at the end of that manifestation.
When you set peace and happiness as your highest goals, you will ignite inspiration designed to fulfill exactly that. You will intuitively know if what you are intending will lead to those outcomes in your life.
Peace and happiness also set a very specific standard for your outcome. They determine the ultimate atmosphere for any and all of your accomplishments.
You cannot go wrong when you set peace and happiness as your highest standard. You will find that these two experiences are not possible unless you inject goodness into your life wherever you can.
In order to have peace and happiness, you must have integrity and love. You must be open and honest with yourself. Things like guilt, fear, and anger will have to go. Negativity likewise has no place in such high emotional states.
And finally, you must feel worthy of such a fulfilling life. If you do not believe you deserve such things, then ask yourself why not and be specific. Whatever reasons you come up with, are only thoughts that exist in your mind. You have the power to change those thoughts.
There is no law that says you must be punished with unhappiness for whatever misdeeds or mistakes you believe you have made. Forgive yourself and forgive others. This is what will ultimately free you to create the life you want.
(Note: This is a channeled message from Miribi of Telstar.)
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