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Important question for anyone experiencing a spiritual awakening…

If you could move through every day trusting your intuition, grounded in love, and inner strength...

What would stop you from *finally* living in alignment with your purpose?

Hi there, my friend! I’m Saratoga Ocean — and I want to help you move through your spiritual awakening with ease and confidence.


I know you’re here because you’re starting to see your life differently.

Like many of the people on this planet right now —

You are seeking the truth.

You might be feeling the pressure to step into your purpose, but the way you’ve been conditioned has stopped you from embracing it fully.

You want that sense of inner peace.

Even if it feels like you have *everything* (the career, the family, the house…)

You have come to realize that there has to be more to this life.

And you want to be living it instead of simply surviving.

There’s a reason why you feel this way.

For your entire life, the choices you’ve made have been determined by external forces.

Since you were born — your purpose was informed by others, because you were a blank slate.

And because you’ve always felt that you’re “supposed” to be living your life a certain way…

You continue to seek approval to meet those standards.

But you’re beginning to see that your current life hasn’t given you the space to evolve.

That’s why when you experience a spiritual awakening…

You start to experience stress, anxiety, and possibly depression — upon realizing that…

You never had the opportunity to decide what YOU truly want.

And your Inner Light that is connected to something greater than all of us?

THAT is starting to get amplified within you, right now.

Here’s the biggest secret everyone should know —

You are an infinite, cosmic being.

But you haven’t had the opportunity to wake up to it, until right now.

That’s why…

  • You start to feel confused — what is the truth of who you are?
  • You feel stressed about trying to figure out how to connect your current way of life to the one you want to live (and these two visions are unlikely to match up)
  • You are starting to receive messages from within that you’re not sure you should trust
  • You continue to seek answers outside of yourself (oracle cards can only tell you so much) and still feel like you’re looking for more…

Here’s what I want you to know.

It’s completely normal for *anyone* experiencing a spiritual awakening to feel all of the above.

But it doesn’t mean that you have to continue feeling STUCK.

Illustration of a woman having a spiritual awakening experience. She's seated on the floor with eyes closed, beside houseplants and a cat.

The key to moving out of self-doubt into self-trust?

A consistent meditation practice that gives you the space to find the answers you need within you

I know what you’re thinking…

But I’ve tried meditating already, Saratoga!

Well, if you’ve ever thought to yourself,

“Okay, I guess I *should* try meditation…”

“Every time I meditate, I can never seem to turn off my brain…”

“I don’t feel so different after I meditate…”

“I feel calm when I meditate, but it doesn’t last for long…”

“I just don’t know how to meditate… But I know it can help me…”

“I’ve tried so many meditation techniques, but they’ve never felt quite *right* for me…”

“I don’t even know if it’s important for me to master meditation…”

Here’s the honest truth…

The space you hold for yourself in meditation is sacred — because it is the *only* opportunity we have to experience true alignment at our deepest, most positive level.

And while we may believe that we can always seek answers elsewhere…

There is no substitute for the clarity meditation gives you.

Man and woman seated meditating outside

Learning how to master this essential skill means we can start living from an aligned center within ourselves, rather than complying with the chaos of the outside world — which will always be unreliable, hold other agendas and never be fully aligned with the Real You.

(Especially right now!)

When you know how to connect with your inner world, you stop receiving information from the outside world with stress and overwhelm…

And start cultivating greater balance, positive energy, and trust within.

That’s exactly what my newest program is designed to support you with:

Accessing your inner voice with CONFIDENCE.


Meditation For Spiritual Awakening

A self-paced digital meditation program designed to uniquely support anyone experiencing a spiritual awakening.

If you are a…

Spiritual seeker
Truth Seeker

Or simply know that you’re undergoing a spiritual awakening and an ascension process…

This program supports you with a wide variety of meditations designed to accelerate your awakening process and journey within by accessing a different, expansive experience each time you listen to them.

It will help you create an easy, consistent meditation practice (one that you’ll genuinely look forward to) that goes beyond a temporary state of calm or stress relief.

And here’s what I want you to understand…

Meditation For Spiritual Awakening is designed to be a tool you can return to whenever you need to feel grounded, centered, and return to yourself.

It will support you in:

Laying down the foundation to cultivate an inner strength so you can go within on your own

Serving as a refresher whenever you need to integrate more consistency into your practice

Restarting your own meditation practice whenever you take a break or feel stuck meditating on your own

Yes, you’ll be guided through the unique challenges you’re facing right now, but more importantly, you’ll have a supportive platform that will grow and evolve with you.

It’s not just any meditation program.

Meditation For Spiritual Awakening is the very first course of its kind that…


Think of each meditation as a mini-energy session — it serves to clear your energy, raise your vibration and balance your inner self — so that you can clear out the energy that doesn’t serve you and move through your day-to-day in a state of calm and peace. Ultimately, this program activates a state of love, joy, peace, and high vibration that is uniquely created by YOU!


I’ll be your partner in this journey — taking you by the hand and walking beside you. You no longer have to figure out how to tap into your intuition on your own! We will get you there, together.


Whether you need a midday reset, psychic protection, or need to connect with your heart, this program includes 12 unique meditations designed to cater to the specific needs of anyone experiencing a spiritual awakening. No matter what you need to stay centered in the real world (so you can continuously evolve to embrace your infinite self) — you’ll always have a supportive space to turn to.

In this program, you will:

  • Understand how meditation supports your spiritual awakening
  • Learn how to create a sacred space of serenity
  • Find out when and how often you should meditate
  • Discover exactly how to meditate with strength and consistency
  • Explore 12 guided meditations designed to support your spiritual awakening


Can you envision a life where you feel…

  • Crystal-clear on the next steps in your life (without having to seek answers outside of yourself)
  • Connected to your inner being (and your purpose)
  • Peaceful in every moment of your day-to-day (without letting the energy of other people impact you negatively)
  • Confident and secure in what you need to become truly happy (because you *finally* trust your intuition)
  • Love and compassion for yourself (without doubting that you deserve it)

That is *exactly* what is possible for you when you commit to integrating the knowledge and practices shared in Meditation For Spiritual Awakening.

Let’s Get Started

Meditation is the ultimate way to access your inner truth — and it can be so much easier than you think.

Welcome to a meditation routine where you’re never bored — and continue to evolve.

Judi Wert

Judi Wert

“Thanks to this program, I’ve started a new meditation routine. Within the first 20 minutes of waking up, I sit down to meditate — and each time, I have a different experience. My consciousness continues to go deeper and isn’t as resistant to leaning in. And I’m not bored!

After two meditations, I was shedding tears and experiencing a release. I love the variety — you just don’t get tired of them because it keeps changing within you, and you’re always hearing something you didn’t hear before.

Now… I’m able to access a state of calmness in a stressed environment, my inner voice is so much louder when I’m going down the wrong path and I have more energy, motivation, and inspiration —I feel so much stronger because I can hear my own voice and trust the direction it’s giving me.”


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Here’s *exactly* what’s included in this program…

And how it’s created to set you up for real, lasting change:

This program begins by laying down a supportive foundation to help you really, truly learn to meditate on your own.

Just like your own awakening, cultivating a consistent meditation practice is a layered process, and it can’t be rushed.

Most importantly — contrary to popular belief, meditation can be easy, simple and a mini-mental vacation that can be pain and stress-free…

… And a joyful, enjoyable experience instead.

Are you serious, Saratoga??

Yes — because this time, you won’t have to figure it all out on your own, my friend.

With multiple video lessons (and accessible transcripts!) explaining why meditation will support you and *how* to step into that sacred space to create your own practice, you’ll be supported before you even begin to dive into the guided meditations.

Because like I said…

This goes beyond stress relief — we are activating a real, powerful shift into a conscious experience of your true self.

In our day-to-day, our energy is often operating in ways that produce stress…

And when we experience a spiritual awakening — and bring a higher vibration into our current energy — that causes real confusion.

That’s exactly what these meditations will help you overcome.

Each meditation serves as a mini energy session *and* a clear pathway to your divine heart — with a simple process to get you there.

And when you return to these meditations over and over again, your energy will start to balance, strengthen, and stabilize it.

A look inside Meditation For Spiritual Awakening

Part 1: Laying Down The Foundation

Module 1 — How Meditation Supports Your Spiritual Awakening

  • Lesson 1: The Nature of a Spiritual Awakening
  • Lesson 2: The Secret To Finding Balance
  • Lesson 3: The Treasure Deep Within You

Module 2 — Create A Sacred Space

  • Lesson 1: Your Most Important Decision
  • Lesson 2: When And How Often Should You Meditate?
  • Lesson 3: Create A Space of Serenity

Module 3 — How to Meditate with Confidence

  • Lesson 1:
    Lesson 1: How to Build a Strong Meditation Practice
  • Lesson 2: Simple Meditation Instructions
  • Guided Meditations:
    • Meditation to Quiet the Mind
    • Basic Core Meditation
  • Lesson 3: Remember Your Goal

Part 2: Meditation Solutions For Every Need

  • Lesson 1: How To Use The 10 Guided Meditations For Spiritual Awakening
  • Guided Meditations:

    • Energizing Morning Meditation
    • Mid-day Reset Meditation
    • Evening Peace for Sleep
    • Energy Clearing and Cleansing
    • Healing Trauma
    • Psychic Protection for Sensitive Souls
    • Lightworker’s Stress Relief
    • Raise Your Vibration for Power and Happiness
    • Cosmic Consciousness Expansion
    • Connect with Your Heart


 Transcripts for all video lessons included in the program so that anyone can access the guidance shared.

Are you ready to shift into your infinite self?

Single Payment

1 easy payment of $197



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Just choose one of the following payment options at checkout:

*Payment options are offered by Affirm or Klarna and may be subject to an eligibility check. CA resident loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license.

Before you embark on this beautiful, loving journey…

photo of Saratoga Ocean

Meet your guide, Saratoga Ocean

I’m an author, speaker, channel, and transformational life coach and I’ve functioned professionally as the exclusive channel for Telstar (a cosmic interdimensional force of nature and evolution that works in conjunction with Archangel Michael) for over 25 years.

During this time, I’ve led hundreds of workshops and seminars online and in-person across the United States and Canada. I also coined the phrase “radical spirituality” to describe a profound shift in consciousness that can lead to outcomes for individuals and for the planet that was previously unimaginable.

As a “walk-in” to my current body that experienced a spiritual awakening, I am deeply aware of the love and harmony that exists when you have access to your infinite self.

In my work with people over the years, I began to notice that people struggled to integrate their new, expanded experience of self with their old way of life, as they navigated their own awakening process — and that’s why I created Meditation For Spiritual Awakening.

I wanted to equip people like YOU with simple, doable guided meditations that address the specific needs of your spiritual awakening to enable a smoother and more confident transition — while remaining centered in your day-to-day life.

I know that this program will empower you to believe that you are capable of connecting with your inner guidance and your inner being, and most importantly, trust it — so that the only place you will ever want to turn to for the *most* important answers is within.

And when you say *YES* to embarking on this journey together, here’s what you’re *really* getting…


Finally, you’ll be able to create a calm sanctuary within that can’t be shifted by *any* external force — and you’ll have a toolbox to rely on to bring you back into balance, no matter what situation you’re facing.


Moving through a spiritual awakening on your own isn’t easy (in fact, it can be pretty lonely sometimes!) — but the variety of meditations in this program walk along with you every step of the way until you can comfortably listen within and trust your inner wisdom.


This program takes all the confusion and complexity of meditation out of the picture — you’ll have the foundation to create a simple practice without feeling overwhelmed. You’ll have everything you need to get in touch with yourself and commit to a steady practice that uniquely works for YOU.

Your inner truth is waiting for you, my friend.

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1 easy payment of $197



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*Payment options are offered by Affirm or Klarna and may be subject to an eligibility check. CA resident loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license.

What awakening souls are saying…

Hear their stories about how this program has created real, powerful shifts in their lives.

Go from thinking “meditation is a chore” to “I don’t want it to end”, like Michael…

“I’ve struggled with committing to consistent meditation over the years because I was constantly trying to quiet the mind…

But this course has really helped me start with basics to ease into the process. You can do the guided meditations at any time! They all have different focuses, different experiences, and take you on incredible journeys.

Saratoga shares her purpose to guide you in this awakening process to become who you really are. With this focus in mind, you can use these meditations to have these experiences and bring them with you.

Sometimes meditation can feel like a chore — but this one feels so great, I just want to do it more! They speak to you on such a deeper level. Every time I go back, they feel bigger, different, and expand even further.”

Michael Perdue

Michael Perdue

Feel powerfully connected to your divine heart (and infinite possibilities) not just for 10 minutes, but several days, like Tarra…

“I’ve NEVER experienced anything this fast and direct — change can come from ONE meditation. It’s not like meditating for years and having one ‘wow!’ experience… You only have to listen to these meditations once and they completely clear your energy.

And the heart connection! It makes you feel like you never want to leave that place — and it lasts. The effects don’t just stay for a while or dissipate. It can last up to three days and even overnight — I’ll still feel the effects for most of the day!

The best part? You can turn off your own judgment button because it's a beautiful, loving, safe, and inspiring environment.

Now, I take meditation way more seriously than I did previously. Before, I could pull it together and deal with the day in my corporate job and if I didn’t meditate, the day was a lot tougher. If I did, I would be exhausted, but I wouldn’t be a basket case.

But these meditations are moving me to a new place. In this new place, I can look out and get excited about what I’m going to do next, even though I don’t know what that’s going to look like. What shall I try? What am I going to try?

I’m looking forward to seeing what’s possible.

Tarra Dunphy

Tarra Dunphy

And finally — embrace and trust your inner guidance, like Paddy…

“These meditations have helped me feel so connected! I feel grounded in so many ways — like being able to cope with more and not take things personally.

I also feel stronger when I am grounded — more shielded from the world and I can be more selective about what I really take into my being.

Because I actually enjoy these meditations, I’m much better at finding time early in the day to make some space for them because I know I can find a meditation to fit my day. It’s no longer a whole search to find the right one with the right music or the right voice… It’s so easy.

Now, I have more trust in my inner guidance — I finally believe I know the answers, if I just let them come. Rather than falling into my habit of asking someone else what to do, I wait to go within to get clarity.”

Paddy Dolphin

Paddy Dolphin

My Guarantee To You

Learning to trust your inner voice requires commitment. You must be willing to fully immerse yourself in this program. For this reason, I ask that you commit with your whole heart to the journey ahead.

To keep in the integrity of the program, we do not offer refunds and there are no exceptions.

We believe in this program 100% and know that if you are committed when joining this program, you will be satisfied with the value and results.

If you’re still wondering if this program is *right* for you, I’m here to answer all the questions you may have.

I still have some questions about Meditation For Spiritual Awakening. How do I get in touch with your team?

I’m happy to answer any additional questions you have! Please email [email protected] and my team will get back to you as soon as we can.

Let’s embark on this spiritual adventure, together.

Judi Wert

Dr. Lucille Necas

“The videos at the beginning are VERY helpful. They set the groundwork and explain the benefits of meditation in so much detail — I had heard bits and pieces of them before, but Saratoga’s explanations were simple, profound yet very comprehensive.

Meditations have become something that we know is just “good for you”... But Saratoga really deepens your understanding of WHY it’s so important [for your awakening].

Each separate meditation is so tailored and very high quality. The meditations draw you into these unearthly, internal magical places inside of me that I had never actually been in touch with before.

After doing some of those meditations repeatedly, something organically grows and evolves within.

To be honest… This program is basically a spiritual adventure!”

Get Meditation For Spiritual Awakening today and receive a total of 10 video lessons + transcripts and 12 guided meditations:

Meditation for Spiritual Awakening course demoed on laptop, desktop, tablet, and smartphone screens

Part 1: Laying Down The Foundation

Module 1 — How Meditation Supports Your Spiritual Awakening

  • Lesson 1: The Nature of a Spiritual Awakening
  • Lesson 2: The Secret To Finding Balance
  • Lesson 3: The Treasure Deep Within You

Module 2 — Create A Sacred Space

  • Lesson 1: Your Most Important Decision
  • Lesson 2: When And How Often Should You Meditate?
  • Lesson 3: Create A Space of Serenity

Module 3 — How to Meditate with Confidence

  • Lesson 1: How to Build a Strong Meditation Practice
  • Lesson 2: Simple Meditation Instructions
  • Guided Meditations:
    • Meditation to Quiet the Mind
    • Basic Core Meditation
  • Lesson 3: Remember Your Goal

Part 2: Meditation Solutions For Every Need

  • Lesson 1: How To Use The 10 Guided Meditations For Spiritual Awakening
  • Guided Meditations:

    • Energizing Morning Meditation
    • Mid-day Reset Meditation
    • Evening Peace for Sleep
    • Energy Clearing and Cleansing
    • Healing Trauma
    • Psychic Protection for Sensitive Souls
    • Lightworker’s Stress Relief
    • Raise Your Vibration for Power and Happiness
    • Cosmic Consciousness Expansion
    • Connect with Your Heart


 Transcripts for all video lessons included in the program so that anyone can access the guidance shared.

If it sounds like this is for you — I’d love to see you join me inside this program.

Single Payment

1 easy payment of $197



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Just choose one of the following payment options at checkout:

*Payment options are offered by Affirm or Klarna and may be subject to an eligibility check. CA resident loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license.

happy black woman smelling flowers
Monarch butterfly on flower

Ready to shift into peace and harmony?

Grace So

Grace So

“As an intuitive person who does angelic healing, I pick up a lot of stuff from them and often need psychic protection at the end of the day. These meditations always shift me back into peace and harmony… And help me to recognize patterns in every area of my life.

I’ve started to notice just how much subconscious programming I’ve grown up with. It’s shifted my relationships — even my girlfriends are saying, something is different about you!

This program truly goes so deep — I always want each meditation to go on longer and feel like I don’t want to leave. You will just want to stay here in this spiritual garden, pitch a tent, and stay overnight.

How do I really know if this program is the best fit for me?

It’s important that you take this journey only if it’s in alignment with where you’re at.

This program is NOT for you if…

  • You are determined to stay in your current state and are resistant to shifting out of it
  • You believe that you need physical proof to see real results
  • You are motivated by scientific evidence and are unfamiliar with spiritual awakening
  • You believe in receiving answers from external authorities vs. within yourself
  • You believe meditation is not beneficial or a good use of your time

This program is absolutely for anyone who…

  • Understands the value of meditation and wants to create a consistent practice
  • Frequently takes on the energy of others and desires more energetic protection
  • Feels challenged to accept and trust the messages from their intuition
  • Constantly thinks, “I just don’t fit in” from a young age or since their awakening process began (don’t worry, you’re not alone!)
  • Experiences a deep need to shift from their current state into their true, expressive and creative self
  • Struggles to feel centered, grounded and confident during their awakening
  • Wants to move beyond fear and their ego into their divine heart, filled with peace and love

A final, personal message before you choose what will serve you best right now…

Woman with hands in prayer pose

I know that for some time now, you’ve been seeking answers.

The most beautiful part of this program is that it will show you how truly, very simple it is to access them within yourself.

In a world where we’re used to operating in chaos — especially right now — it’s more important than ever that we create a space of strength and stability within.

Because the most secure thing we have on this earth is access to our inner wisdom and our inner being!

I believe that you can do this — there’s no spiritual marathon to run here, no judgment, and no rush.

This is YOUR journey.

And while you will ultimately learn to navigate it on your own…

For now, I want to help you get started.

(And whether you choose to join me or not, I want you to know that you can *always* access your inner voice and listen to your heart if you give it a chance to speak to you.)

Some of you already know that you want to embrace your infinite self…

While that light is burning bright, take this opportunity to fuel it.

This is your moment.

You may have ignored your gifts in the past or chosen to dim who you really are to succumb to the external conditioning you’ve been taught before…

But trust me, my friend —

You are here for a purpose.

And while experiencing a spiritual awakening can be challenging, having the right tools to move through it with ease will help you gain clarity on all the answers you’ve been looking for.

Whether you decide to navigate this journey together later or join me now…

I’ll be honored to help you emerge feeling loved, accepted, calm, and confident to pursue your authentic path…

With true joy.

No matter what you do, remember to take good care of yourself.

Much love,

Person meditating on beach at sunrise
Saratoga Ocean

Find peace, connectedness, and clarity for the times we live in

Barbara Claire

“Earlier this week I purchased the Meditation for Spiritual Awakening course, and already my meditation practice has completely shifted to a new, higher, more profound level.

The result of using these meditations is absolutely astounding, from an overall experience of peacefulness, deeper connectedness, heart centering and opening, to more clarity, renewed confidence and trust—the list goes on as the experience deepens. I even wake up feeling more peaceful and centered, and that is so empowering!

I highly recommend this course to anyone—from beginner to advanced, because this course is specifically designed for the times we now find ourselves in, and for the accelerated ascension process the entire universe is undergoing. This is different from anything that is out there, you will not find this anywhere else. This works — we need to do this — Now.”


Get Meditation for Spiritual Awakening

If you’re feeling called to join me — let’s begin

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*Payment options are offered by Affirm or Klarna and may be subject to an eligibility check. CA resident loans made or arranged pursuant to a California Finance Lenders Law license.