

The information, products, and services sold or delivered through this and other Telstar Events, Inc., websites (including but not limited to that conveyed on saratogaocean.com, telstarevents.com, and aguideforlightworkers.com, or in other messages, chats, downloadable files, emails, conversations, audio or video recordings, or social media posts, collectively referred to hereafter as “the Sites”) are not a replacement or substitute for the advice of trained professionals in regards to psychological, medical, financial, legal, or other matters. You should consult with licensed professionals in these fields regarding any such matters. In particular, Telstar Events, Inc.’s products, services, and information are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of results or improvement in any area of life. The degree of success or results you attain by using our products, services, and information is wholly dependent on the time and actions you apply to it, your knowledge and other skills, your physical, emotional, and mental health, your physical and financial circumstances, and/or other intangible personal qualities and factors that differ between individuals.

Any and all forward-looking statements on the Sites or in our products or services shall only be interpreted as an expression of our opinion or belief in the potential success some people may achieve. Any case studies, testimonials, or other customer feedback included on the Sites must not be taken to represent an “average” customer experience. We make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from the information delivered on the Sites or in our products or services. You alone are responsible for your decisions, actions, and results in life.

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By your use of the Sites and/or purchase of any product or service, you agree and understand that Telstar Events, Inc. is not responsible for your success or failure and makes no representations or guarantees of any particular result for you, and you release and discharge Telstar Events, Inc., their directors, staff, affiliates, partners, volunteers, licensors, and suppliers from liability for any damages including but not limited to physical or psychological injury, illness, death, or economic or emotional loss.