The True Nature of Love by John (Telstar)

Love has so many definitions. And thus it can be amazingly confusing. Let us begin with love's infinite foundation, in order to understand what is really going on.

Infinite love is the ultimate definition. And because this is so, it is a very difficult thing to experience on planet Earth.

Why is this the case? If love is indeed infinite, then shouldn't it be the easiest thing in the world to experience?

Under any other circumstances, this is absolutely the case. In fact, in other realms of existence, infinite love is the only thing that exists, and the only thing that is known.

So why all the confusion here?

It's because something has been introduced here that artificially distorts that ultimate, unconditional reality.

That something is called duality.


How does duality distort love?

To begin with, duality presupposes a lie to be true. The lie is the supposition that there can be something that is not love.

But if love is infinite, then that is impossible. And thus it is a lie.

But lies do manifest, if you believe them. And they can indeed manifest with full force in your experience.

In fact, this lie is so great, that it literally distorts the physics of this entire universe. It actually reverses the energetic momentum and direction of creation itself.

And thus you experience deterioration and entropy. You experience the duality of the finite, where everything is known as a mathematical equation. And the first equation is that of division.

Here's how it works.

You begin with oneness. Unconditional, infinite love. This is the true platform upon which everything exists.

Now you add the manifesting lie of "I am not love."

And presto! You have the illusion that now there are two things, instead of one.

There is love, and there is also "not" love.

Both sides of this duality are untrue. And this is where you get confused.

You tend to think that the love side is true. But here is where you are mistaken.

You are mistaken because in this scenario, love is no longer infinite. It now shares the space with that which is not love. So both sides are finite. And infinite love thus becomes an unknown. A "concept", if you will.

You now have two competing factors. Love and not love. And from this appearance of division, an unlimited number of nuances of each one are born.

It's no wonder you are so confused! It's because you are caught in the battle of the finite, where love is supposed to win out over "not" love. And to your grave misfortune, both sides are seen as equally real. The truth is that neither one is real.


How does this affect our relationships?

With the illusion of duality at play, all relationships enter into a battle. The battle is for love to win.

The only problem is that "love", in this illusion, can never ultimately win because it is as much of an illusion as the "not" love side. And each side requires the other in order to exist, because now they appear as opposites.

So the best you can do is to reach a compromise of sorts and find a certain degree of equilibrium between the two.

Hopefully, it will be a pleasant equilibrium where both parties feel relatively happy and stable most of the time.

But if there is too much weight on the "not" love side, then both parties can end up feeling quite miserable.

Overall, this can be a very stressful situation. And you know what I'm talking about because you have all heard that relationships are hard work!

Do you think they are supposed to be hard work? Of course not! But in a finite world of duality, this becomes an inescapable fact.


Can we correct this?

The ultimate correction for this situation is to evolve beyond it collectively. In terms of your own planet, it means to restore the truth, unequivocally.

It means the disintegration of the lie of duality, and the restoration of infinite love being your only experience.

It means to stop believing that there is a winner in the battle, and falsely believing that it can be solved in this way.

You can solve some things in your relationships by compromise, but you will never solve the larger problem in this way.

The good news is that you don't have to wait for collective humanity to get this right. You can begin with your own personal evolution. After all, that is where collective evolution begins - with the individual.

Here are the simple steps of realization necessary to shift your consciousness back into alignment with the ultimate truth.

  • Become clear that infinite, unconditional love is the basis for all creation.
  • Realize that duality is a super-imposed illusion, created by the manifesting lie that there is something known as "not love".
  • Go deep within yourself, and find that place in your heart where the truth of infinite, unconditional love resides as a constant.
  • Stop denying that this place is real.
  • Stop giving more weight to the illusion of duality, simply because you experience it. Experiencing something does not necessarily mean it is true or real.
  • Seek to reorient yourself in the deeper truth that lies in your heart, where true, infinite love is all there is.
  • Recognize that you are trapped in a larger illusion of duality and battle. This illusion is by no means the ultimate truth, and it will eventually end because it is unsustainable.
  • Seek to bring about that end more swiftly within yourself, by following all of the above suggestions.


How do we get along with people who may not recognize this?

You get along with them by recognizing it for them. This does not mean that you tell them what to do. It means that you silently live the truth within yourself, and allow the energy of that realization to have a healing influence over others.

Remember that every human being has this truth of infinite love as their foundation. It is quite literally who they are. They are simply caught in an illusion that shows them something other than that.

The good and bad that you see in others (and in yourself) is simply evidence that this illusion of duality is manifesting in everyone's experience.

So what you are witnessing, that you refer to as "normal", is the immense distortion in humanity's identity. People literally believe that they are good and bad, and thus this becomes their belief about who they are. So the duality manifests in people's personalities and in their relationships.

Try to remember that no one wants to be a combination of good and bad. In spite of the apparent grip that this illusion has on everyone here, there is still that deeper, silent place within each and every person that speaks to them only of love.

There is that deeper, silent place from which all people sincerely pray for relief from this never-ending battle of duality.

So even if you don't see outward evidence of this beautiful place within every human being, remember that it is there nonetheless.

The most important thing you can do is to find it within yourself.

(Note: This is a channeled message from John of Telstar.)


Copyright © 2016 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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