The Romance Of Life
Channeled Message from John of Telstar
What is the definition of romance? Romance is the manifestation of beauty and love in action. For purposes of this discussion, we shall refer to romance at a cosmic level. To understand the romance of life, you must learn to view life at the level of the cosmos. You must be willing to recognize that you live in the universe.
You are all very familiar with the concept of romance at an earthly level, which is really a discussion about society and culture. But let us move way beyond that discussion. There is very little point in discussing that about which you are already experts.
Instead, let us begin by flying with our spirits into the wider universe. One of the most amazing things about romance is that it always contains elements of the unknown. There is inherent in romance the beauty of a purity of thought and unexpected surprises. What makes romance exciting is that in its domain you are more than willing to approach it without preconceived ideas. In fact, you literally relish in the excitement of not knowing! You want to be surprised.
This literal enjoyment of the unknown is in keeping with who you really are at a much higher level. It takes a deeply rooted feeling of personal security about one's life to enjoy the experience of not knowing and to welcome that feeling as an adventure in love. In the omnipresent love of the divine, you are 100% secure and therefore 100% free.
Therefore, in your natural state, you would be traveling all over the universe enjoying every moment of the incredible surprises that it holds. But from where you sit right now, that is no longer the case. Why is that? It's because you have adopted something that you refer to as the infamous ego.
The ego has only one agenda. That is to be in control. The ego has zero tolerance for the unknown. In fact, its level of tolerance is so low, that if it doesn't know something, it will just make something up. Whether that something is true or false is immaterial. All that matters is that you choose to follow the ego's point of view and agree with it wholeheartedly.
The ego does not want you to recognize that you physically live in a gigantic cosmos. Why is that? It's because it is way too much for the tiny ego to bear. It simply has no capacity to invent enough stories to cover an expanse of space and time of such a huge magnitude.
Because the ego has likely convinced you that the rest of the cosmos is basically irrelevant, you may consider this discussion to be irrelevant as well. But I am here to tell you that such a belief will cause you to miss out on something truly spectacular.
The romance of life beckons you to rejoin the cosmos and consider yourself to be an integral part of a wider universe. It beckons you to relish the mystery of such and not be afraid of it. Saying to yourself that the universe is just a void, in no way makes it so. On the contrary, the universe is a veritable feast of joy and spontaneity with its abundance of lifeforms and planetary situations.
The cosmos is a passionate, creative soup of life always growing, always expanding, and forever evolving. The sheer magnitude of its beauty is astonishing beyond any and all spoken words. And you, my dearest friends, are a part of that magnificent beauty.
Romance is a feature that beckons you to fall in love, is it not? Romance is that which irresistibly entices you with its beauty and begs you to fall passionately, madly in love with its existence because you simply have no choice but to surrender to its ever-unfolding expression of love.
This is what true spirituality is all about. It refers to the surrender of one's separated ego. The letting go of the erroneous view that no one exists out there except for yourselves. It means to get over the illusion that either there is no God, or that if there is one, it is a remote and unfeeling thing when it comes to your suffering.
The ego holds your mind in a prison where such a cosmic romance of life is not allowed. It causes you to fear everything that it doesn't know about and demands that you follow its mental rules in order to ensure its survival as captain of the ship of your life.
So I invite you to ignore this tiny voice of so-called authority in your head, which mostly serves as a guard in the prison of your collective, isolated illusion. Its world is stark and unloving, to be sure. Its reality is utterly devoid of love. All it knows is judgement and fear, and it will not hesitate to intimidate you with such. It is what makes you believe you are an unworthy beggar who must grovel for the love and salvation of the divine.
What is your link to the awesome beauty of the romance of life in the cosmos? That link is your precious heart, which always knows romance when it sees it. Your heart is entirely responsive to love. In fact, it is all that your heart knows. What your heart really wants is for that same natural recognition of life and love to exist at a conscious level throughout your entire being. The heart simply wants you to acknowledge its presence as your one and only truest, highest self.
The heart pleads for the unity of your spirit with love. And in that unity, an entire world of romantic love and awe-inspiring beauty will open up for you with its endless possibilities. This is what is meant by the recognition and full, surrendered acceptance of life in its purest form.
(Note: This is a channeled message from John of Telstar.)
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