The Power of Thought
Channeled Message from Archangel Michael
The mind creates everything. And you, my dearest friends, are expressly designed to live as creators in full command of that mind. You are designed to exercise the power of conscious thinking to produce the life that you want.
There are two ways in which you can live. The most ineffective, frustrating way is to react to the circumstances around you. This includes living and thinking in ways that society, the media, and collective human consciousness demand of you.
If you agree with them, then by all means proceed with such mandates and make them your own. But if you don't, and would rather have an individual say in your own life, then let us proceed with a discussion as to precisely how to do that.
The Powerful, Thinking Mind
Life is profoundly magnetic. The quantum universe is akin to a magnetic soup that remains unformed until a creative impulse strikes it. That creative impulse carries with it a magnetic field and a resonating harmonic signature.
What is this creative impulse? It is thought. In your case, it is an electromagnetic impulse that is produced by the human mind. Thoughts are akin to blueprints. They are like the DNA of creation. They tell the quantum universe what to produce.
Thoughts are like instructors. They instruct the universe about what you want. Thoughts are exceedingly powerful.
Let's talk for a moment about what gives thoughts their power. Emotion and feeling are the forces that empower thought. They are sort of like the gasoline in your car. You might have a beautiful car, but without fuel, that car isn't going anywhere.
Likewise, without the fuel of emotion, a thought might be great, but it isn't likely to physically manifest.
Emotion does two things when it comes to thought. It provides power and it also lets the universe know that you are committed to that outcome. It lets God know that you really want this. Nothing manifests thought quicker than sincere passion for a particular result.
Direct Your Focus
Next, we must talk about focus. Thought and the power of emotion needs to be directed. If you don't direct these forces within yourself, these energies become scattered and ineffective. Your mental field of energy will also be left open to the thoughts and energies of others. Then you will have a very confused mess.
This is what causes people to become confused and hopeless. Instead of creating, they end up just trying to process this soup of incoherent intentions. They expend energy trying to make sense of it all. In which case it doesn't move. It doesn't flow. And you feel stuck.
I share this with you so that you will understand what is really going on and be able to rein in that energy for yourself and put it to good use.
So let's review. First, you must choose your thoughts. What exactly do you want to manifest? It is important to make a decision that is as precise and as clear as possible. And even more importantly, it must be something that you can back with your heart. You must allow yourself to truly want it.
Don't Ask "How"
And this brings us to the infamous question of "How?" Isn't that always the prerequisite? You are probably in the habit of not allowing yourself to want anything at all, unless you can first figure out how it's going to happen.
"How" leads to the death of many marvelous ideas and intentions. It exists as a literal death knell to creative, empowered thought. And it is not the way a creator thinks at all!
If you decide to filter everything through the infamous "how" question before you are willing to entertain an idea, then you are not understanding how creation works.
A far more important question than "how" is to ask yourself if you are truly willing, with all your heart, for that thing to manifest in the physical world. That is indeed the most relevant point of all.
Create Mental Space
Once you have chosen an idea that you want to manifest in your life, there is one more thing that you must consider. How much space are you willing to allow in your mind for that thought to be nurtured and grow?
Now why do I ask that question? It is a necessary question because most people have a well-developed habit of nurturing thoughts about what they don't want.
Are you willing to throw out those thoughts that you do not want nurtured? Are you willing to eject them from your mind?
Let's talk about what your mind actually is. In truth, your mind is space. It is actually a part of the infinite universe of quantum space. It is your God-given right as a creator to decide what you will put in that space.
The spark of light called "thinking" is where you, the creator, decide what will manifest in that space. If you let others decide for you, then you are not exercising your God-given right to think for yourself.
In Summary
So here is the correct order of thought when it comes to conscious creation. You can view this as a simple list that provides you with a trajectory to follow.
- First, you are part of the all-encompassing quantum field. This magnetic field awaits your every committed thought, in order to allow it to manifest. Don't commit to things you don't want. Get rid of those thoughts instead.
- Now you get to introduce a desired thought into that quantum field. Make sure it's something that you want.
- Next, you must empower that thought with the fuel of emotion. Show the universe that you really mean it.
- Relinquish the "how" question. The how will reveal itself later. The universe will let you know through divine guidance, inspiration, and even miraculous synchronicities.
- Clear your mental space of unwanted thoughts. They act like weeds in a garden and will choke off your creative energy and manifesting capabilities.
- Focus your emotional energy on the thoughts you want to manifest. Build the vision inside of your mind. Keep filling your consciousness with those images and desires. Nurture them internally until they become so real that they are forced to birth themselves into the physical, outer world.
That's all there is to it, my friends. Take action on your inspirations and be willing to change how you do things so that your behavior is more in alignment with what you want.
Practice this over and over again, and enjoy a wonderful life!
(Note: This is a channeled message from Archangel Michael.)
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