Love Relieves Stress in a Toxic World by Archangel Michael (Telstar)
Greetings, beloved friends! I am here to offer you love and support for your current, very difficult situation on your beloved planet Earth.
Due to the fact that you are exposed to far too much information of a toxic nature, let us discuss how you can mitigate that damage and find greater peace within your soul.
It goes without saying that on a human level, your planet is in the throes of tremendous upheaval and confusion. So let us talk about how you can shield yourself from all of it, and remember that which truly matters.
The First Thing to Remember
The first thing to remember is that all of this upheaval should come as no surprise. In a finite world of duality, there cannot be lasting resolution for things because there will always exist an equal and polar opposite to everything that happens.
So my first recommendation is to let go of any notion that all of this conflict will somehow be resolved within its pre-existing paradigm. Instead of pining away for a resolution, let us instead focus on that which has the real power in life.
If you believe that the current outer forces in your world must come to some positive resolution among themselves before you can experience inner peace, then you are casting your experiential fate to forces that can't be trusted. The anxiety that you are perhaps feeling is due to the fact that you have placed yourself in the precarious position of leaving your happiness up to these very same unresolved forces.
So I begin by asking you to remember where you are. You are on a finite planet where egos manifest and incessantly battle one another for power, in order to affirm their existence. And I can assure you, there is no winning in this battle.
Now that you are reminded of this fact, let us transcend this reality within ourselves, and go to a place together where such problems do not exist.
What exactly are you witnessing on this planet?
Let us start by acknowledging that you live within a very large universe. One that is enormous, in fact! And beyond your current universe, there is an even greater reality called Love.
It is to this infinite Love that encompasses all creation that we want to direct our attention. This Love is a Light that penetrates the darkness like a laser. In fact, nothing can stop this love from manifesting. The conflict that you see before you is merely an illusion manifesting as "reality". You see, my dearest friends, conflict is the only way that this illusion can purport to exist. Without its ongoing conflict of right/wrong, good/bad, etc. it has no energy to continue. It has no proof at all that it exists!
Conflict is the hallmark, the very signature of the ego itself. No matter which side you take, you are still on the same side. It is all happening to benefit the ego. It's the ego's need to survive that is causing all of the trouble here.
So let us fly to the heavens together and gain a new perspective on exactly what is happening here. And what is happening is very simple indeed. If you transcend all of this for a moment, you will understand that what you are witnessing is something quite nonsensical indeed. You are witnessing a war of egos trying to dominate an entire planetary sphere.
You will thus begin to understand the uselessness and the futility of it all. Perhaps then you can begin to detach your beautiful spirit from the outcome, and realize that you have so much more going for you than this!
Re-orient Your Consciousness
The first thing to do once you fully recognize the simplicity of your planetary situation, is to find a new and more accurate center of experience for who you really are. If you try to locate your center inside of this ongoing war of deeply frustrated, divided egos, you may find yourself feeling torn apart by the very war itself.
In simple terms, I am suggesting that you maintain a higher perspective of understanding and cease to be caught in the thick of the battle. When you recognize that no one will win in this illusion of conflict, you can begin to understand the next, most important thing. And that is that each battle is the energy source for the next battle to come.
So as we look down upon this from our higher vantage point, you can open your heart to a better way. In understanding the futility of what you are witnessing, you can actually relax and stop trying so hard to resolve it through anxiety and tension.
The ability to relax and pause is a necessary prerequisite to making a most needed internal shift in your consciousness. In other words, you have to let go of whatever you were previously trying to do. You are then free to move to a better place inside of yourself.
To put this in simple terms, you have two choices. You can either view yourself as part of the battle, or you can see it for what it is and go back to the truth of who you really are.
Who you really are is an extension of your creator, whose power and essence is that of love. It is a force of life-giving energy, embedded in kindness. It is the force that cherishes all of creation as the beautiful offspring of this very same love.
The illusion of ego and conflict is simply that: an illusion. When you align with the Light that you are, your inner radiance of love shines through the apparent conflict, and transmutes this illusion like fog disappearing in the sun.
It all comes down to what you "see".
Seeing is perceiving, and what you perceive is determined by your inner center. What you perceive will also determine what you experience.
When you perceive yourself to be caught in the battle, you will automatically experience anxiety and stress. You will feel that your very life is dependent upon forces over which you have no control, and whom you cannot trust. What could be a greater recipe for fear, pain, and insecurity?
Let the battle be. Let those who would fight it, fight it until they come to realize the sheer hopelessness of it all. Then perhaps they, too, will look for a better way.
In the meantime, you, yourself, can escape the hell of this conflict right now by remembering your own light within. Let's talk about the nature of this inner light.
This light is the light of God itself. It is warm, comforting, kind, and strong. It is indestructible, and nothing in all of creation can harm it, or bring it to an end. You can live in peace, knowing that fact. You can feel the relief of surrender, as you acknowledge the fact that such a light, and such a love will never, ever desert you.
You don't have to try so hard to win! The fact is that you have already won. You only have to recognize that fact. You can let go, knowing that any and all conflict is merely a figment of the ego's nature of illusion.
Rely on Prayer
Prayer is always a request for guidance. It's all about what you wish to be guided into, whether it be a physical experience or something deeper.
So let us put prayer into the context of this discussion. Whenever you feel the anxiety or stress that comes with feeling a part of this current planetary battle, ask for guidance to find that inner light of peace once again. Ask for help to be realigned with who you are, and transcend the battle that you see emerging before you.
Ask that Light within to soothe you and radiate outwards, thus influencing your perspective for something more positive in your life.
Ask that Love to comfort you and heal the emotional wounds.
Let your innocence shine forth from your beautiful eyes, and embrace the fact that you are divinely loved.
Let go, relax, and feel the warm embrace of your creator; your father/mother God. All is well, and you are safe.
(Note: This is a channeled message from Archangel Michael and Telstar.)
Copyright © 2016 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.