How to Stay in Peace and Harmony by Sangia (Telstar)
Hello, friends! The energy of your world is currently in a very unstable state. Even if your present circumstances appear to be alright, you can still be emotionally and energetically affected by the greater whole.
The first thing to remember is that if you are feeling an inexplicable sense of anxiety, or if you are feeling especially moody or down, it is quite possible that this has nothing to do with you personally. You are part of a greater whole, and if that greater whole is in a state of upheaval, you are likely to feel the effects of that in your being.
So let us discuss what you can do about that, so that you can maintain your own personal sense of harmony and equilibrium.
Step 1 - Stand back and observe your experience
If you are feeling out of sorts, take a moment to pause. Step away from whatever you think is the problem, whether that problem is in your own mind or whether it is an external circumstance that you are reacting to.
Instead of getting caught up in your thoughts and emotions, look at what you are experiencing as energy. Tune into your entire body as a whole, and look at it as a field of energy that vibrates.
Close your eyes, tune out your thoughts, and take a position of mindfulness about your vibration. Scan your entire body and notice what is happening with your energy. Is your energy flowing naturally? Or does it feel bound up and blocked with fear or anxiety? Is your energy trapped in feelings of anger or tension?
Are your muscles tense? Are your breaths short and shallow? If any of these things are happening, it means that you are caught up in something that is not healthy for you. It means that your physical body is under a state of stress and duress.
Pay attention to your body's signals and the message that it is clearly sending you that such experiences are at the very least uncomfortable. This is not an optimal state of affairs! Your body does not like to operate under such conditions. That's why it doesn't feel good.
Step 2 - Make a decision
This step is very simple, yet extremely important. Now that you have taken some moments to scan your body's energy in a totally mindful, unbiased way, it's time to make a decision. Do you want to stay this way? Or do you want to correct your situation?
If you are feeling fear, anxiety, or anger, your ego and your mind will likely tell you that you need to feel this way "because...". These types of feelings always require a justification in order to exist. If you remove the justification, the feelings can no longer stand.
Here is the most important thing to pay attention to: If these feelings are the result of you being energetically affected by larger events in the world, and you don't realize that, your mind will begin to scan the environment to find something specific to blame it on.
If there is nothing external to blame it on, then your mind (or ego) may choose to pin the blame on you. This will come in the form of negative thoughts about yourself. And you might start asking yourself questions like "What's wrong with me today?"
This is the time to go back to step one, so you can disengage from these thoughts.
Once you have disengaged from all of the "reasons why", your situation becomes very simple. All you have to do is ask yourself the following questions: "Do I want my energy to stay this way?" and "Is feeling like this really in my best interest?"
Of course, the obvious answer will be "No!"
So now you have made the very important decision to correct and heal your energy. You have made a conscious decision to realign yourself with what is in your own best interest.
Now you are perfectly positioned to make a simple correction and restore your natural harmony.
Step 3 - Choose a solution
The next thing to realize is that your body has probably acquired some energetic momentum with these feelings that you don't want to experience. So you will have to give yourself some space for your energy to calm down and relax a little bit.
The good thing is that this will begin to happen automatically because of your decision. You will begin to instantly relax.
Here are some possible solutions to restore your energetic balance, but you should also feel free to come up with your own.
- Meditation
- Take a walk outdoors and breathe some fresh air.
- Hold your favorite crystal and tune into its Earth energy. Synchronize your energy with the crystal's vibration.
- Go outside and sit under a tree. Hug a tree, and feel its Earth vibration. Realign your energy with the planet.
- Make a list of the emotions you really want to feel. Write down words like "happiness, peace, serenity, kindness, and love". Make this list as long as you want, and then say these words out loud to yourself. The vibration of these positive words will begin to attune your energy to the same vibration, when you say them out loud.
- Take some deep breaths, and engage in some form of physical movement. This will help to break the cycle of tension.
Step 4 - Reset your consciousness
The final thing you want to do is to reset your overview of your situation. Establish your priorities of experience once again. Even if the world around you appears to be falling apart in a worse case scenario, you still have your own sacred life to be concerned about.
A simple goal to have is to view your experience as being primarily about energy flow and vibration. When you are relaxed, your energy flows naturally and harmoniously. Your body can function in its optimal state. When your vibration is high, you naturally feel happy, optimistic, and peaceful.
Make these things your standard, and don't get caught up in reacting to things that may have little or nothing to do with you.
(Note: This is a channeled message from Sangia of Telstar.)
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