How to Heal With Nature by Isadora (Telstar)

Dearest friends, we all know about healing from sickness, but that is not what we are talking about here. I would like to speak to you about a deeper need for healing. That need is the need to heal your relationship with your planet.

For some peculiar reason, humanity has gotten the idea that they are separate from the Earth. But Earth is not merely a floor under your feet in space. It is so much more than that. In fact, it is quite literally what you are made of on a physical level.

To live as though you are divorced from your planet is not very different from a child in the womb believing it is divorced from its mother. Why do you think they call it Mother Earth, after all?

It is my task in this communication to help you to reconnect with the primordial nature of your physical existence. It is about going back to your physical origins that are found deep within the planet itself.

Earth is a living being. That is quite clear based upon the fact that this planetary sphere is in a constant motion of producing and sustaining new life.

If you ignore your connection to the planet and her nature, it is like cutting your own umbilical cord in space. And let us not forget that you do reside in space. Ask any astronaut, and they will tell you of their own primordial connection to Earth being reawakened as they gaze at her beauty from afar.

So it is a bit of what I shall call an alien sickness that must be healed. I use the term "alien" because if you believe that Earth's nature is inconsequential to you, then you are behaving like a bit of an alien, wouldn't you agree?

Let us begin to discuss the ways in which you can heal from your own division with your planetary mother called Earth. And before I begin, allow me to add the very important fact that your planet does not wish to be divorced from you. You are part of her physical offspring, after all.


The 4 Elements of Nature

Let us begin by discussing the four elements of nature, and how you can reconnect with those elements in very simple ways, in order to deepen your experience of the planet you live on.


1. The Earth Element





 The Earth element refers to the body of the planet itself. It can be seen in Earth's soil and in her many rocks, boulders, and crystals. It can be felt in the majestic beauty of her mountains. You can witness the power of the Earth element in the planet's caverns, caves, and canyons. Her hills and valleys show the endless diversity of the planet's terrain. By walking upon the Earth you are experiencing the very shape of your planetary mother's face.

Placing your bare feet directly on the ground puts you back in union with your beloved celestial mother.

Another way that you can connect with the element of Earth is to work in the soil. Gardening of any kind reveals to you the utter miracle of a planet that can sustain life. It puts you in direct contact with Earth's life force energy.

If you are unable to garden, then place yourself among the plants and the greenery. Sit in a garden or walk among the flowers. Hike through a quiet forest. Allow yourself to marvel at the incomprehensible beauty of all that your planet can produce.


2. The Fire Element





 The fire element can be found deep within the Earth in the form of volcanoes and their underlying magma. It can also be experienced in the form of solar energy and light from your sun. Lightning is also a form of fire energy moving from cloud to ground. And certainly the ability to start a fire by simply lighting a candle is a miracle in and of itself.

The simplest way to experience the fire element is to go outside and let the sunshine caress your face. Feel the beautiful radiance of the sun's light as it provides life-giving solar energy to all living things.

If you ever visit some hot springs, you are witnessing the results of the fire energy that lives inside of the planet.

If you have a fireplace in your home, you can light a fire and meditate on its primordial energy. Sitting around a fire is an ancient practice that can connect you all the way back to humanity's earliest origins.


3. The Water Element





 The water element of Earth is very easy to experience because Earth is such a watery planet. There is water everywhere! It is water that gives your planet its illuminated luster of beautiful blue, when viewed from outer space.

Water is the nurturing element and the life's blood of your planet and of all living things who reside within her realm. Water bathes, caresses, and cleanses the Earth. It provides the moisture that fulfills life in a physical sense, and makes it possible for Earth to provide sustenance for all of her planetary children.

In fact, water is such a powerful element on this planet that it literally produces its own kingdom of life in the form of oceans, rivers, and streams. A rainstorm nurtures life in the same way that a mother nurtures a child at her breast.

You can connect with the water element in so many ways. You can feel it during a warm summer rain, or in the quiet magic of a winter snowstorm. You can allow water to caress your feet at the seashore. You can listen to its gentle beauty and its powerful voice in the sound of ocean waves.

And what, dearest friends, could be more blissful than listening to the sound of a mountain stream and touching your fingertips gently into its flowing energy?

Find ways to introduce flowing water into your environment. Water fountains of any size can do wonders to calm your spirit and soothe your soul.


4. The Air Element





 The element of air is something that you can literally drink with your spirit. This higher element is found in the power of wind, and in the gentleness of a summer breeze. It represents movement, clearing, and flow.

Wind literally moves the atmosphere of Earth and keeps her breath in balance. It carries the pollen of new life and signals the advent of oncoming storms.

Wind caresses the trees and helps to clear and cleanse their energy. Wind renews all parts of the Earth.

The air element is represented in the atmosphere that all of Earth's surface life breathes. It provides the gases and the essence of life force energy needed to survive. You will note that the element of air lies within your very breath.

You can connect with the element of air by going outside and enjoying the gentle breezes. Feel the wind on your face and take in its freshness! Note that the air carries so many delightful fragrances of nature at every turn of the seasons.

You can also connect with the air element by gazing at the sky. Watch how the clouds are lifted as they drift in billowy softness. Observe with delight how they shift and morph into endless shapes as the winds paint the sky with their moisture.

Notice the endless grace of birds as they glide effortlessly upon their gentle cushion of wind.


Your 5 Physical Senses

Now that we have discussed the 4 main elements of nature, allow me to bring up a very important point. And that has to do with your ability to enhance and deepen your experience of those elements.

By deepening your experience of these 4 elements and their synergistic relationship with one another, you will begin to feel alive and whole again. You will feel the substance of your own being begin to re-emerge.

You can begin to re-engage in your symbiotic relationship with nature and these 4 elements through reawakening your 5 physical senses.

The chances are very good that your 5 physical senses have become dulled over time. This is one of the things that happens when you believe yourself to be somewhat divorced from the natural world. You become dull in spirit and dull in your physical sensuality. You become increasingly unable to feel.

My suggestion to you is quite simple. When you make the effort to reconnect with your beloved Mother Earth through her nature (which is also your nature, by the way), it is important to consciously engage your 5 physical senses in that effort.

When you go outside to feel the Earth and take in her beauty, leave your technology devices inside. Although these devices represent the ultimate in speed and convenience, they also serve to detach your spirit from the physical world.

When you make the effort that I am suggesting here, your intent is to reconnect with Earth at a primordial level, and heal whatever bond you have broken with your planetary mother over the course of your life. It will require all of your physical senses, undisturbed by technology, in order to do this and truly be able to enjoy it.


Reignite your 5 senses by becoming more aware

As you follow any of the preceding suggestions to heal the bond with your planet through experiencing her through the 4 elements of nature, pay attention to all of your senses. Here are some examples of what this means:

Let your eyes take in every nuance of the creation all around you. What do you see that you never noticed before? Get close to life by observing its multiple facets of beauty.

Look closely at a tree, observing its leaves and bark. Place your hand lovingly on its trunk and feel its energy. Listen to the sound of the breeze caressing its limbs. Pay attention to the songs of birds as they flit among their universe of branches.

Get close to the ground and look at the amazing diversity of green life arising from within the soil. Watch a tiny insect as it goes about its business, oblivious to your presence. Allow yourself to marvel at the infinite palette of nature's colors in every nook and cranny!

Pick up a rock or a crystal and contemplate what that entity may have witnessed in its incredibly long existence on this planet.

Feel the textures of life all around you. Let yourself feel water again as though the mystery of its substance is something you never before experienced. You know how to do these things because you did them as a child before you were corrupted into thinking that such things don't matter.

Now some of you might think that all of this sounds small, silly, and unnecessary. But none of what I am suggesting here is small by any stretch of the imagination. On the contrary, I am showing you a simple way to experience the planetary whole. I am describing how you can reconnect vibrationally and in spirit with the actual planet itself.

Has it ever occurred to you how odd it is that you feel you must go out into space in order to experience the very planet that gave birth to your physical existence? Such a belief is very odd indeed, when you consider the fact that you are already standing and living upon this very same planetary entity.

In order to be fully healed in your relationship with your beloved Mother Earth, you must feel so much a part of her being that you want to hold her as close to your heart as she, indeed, holds you close to her heart every single day. She does this by making it possible for you to live the life that you want while she sustains you and your environment at every single moment.

Your beautiful planet does not judge you, and continues to provide for humanity no matter what humanity does against her. Human beings on this Earth have lost their way. But that doesn't mean that you cannot, as individuals, return home to your senses. Make this effort to reconnect with your Mother Earth, and experience that she holds you close to her bosom with every breath you take. Allow yourself to heal the divide, and become one with your beloved planetary Earth again. This is who you are. This is who you have always been.


(Note: This is a channeled message from Isadora of Telstar.)


Copyright © 2016 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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