How to Have More Energy to Make Changes

I'm always amazed by what we can learn about ourselves and our potential by observing nature. Below I've written a little story about a tree (a true story) to illustrate how you can have way more energy to make the changes that you most desire to make in your life, and not feel so exhausted and overwhelmed.

But first, let's think about the seasons, and reconnect with the rhythm of autumn. Fall is a time when nature lets go of what is no longer needed, and keeps what will be useful in the coming days ahead. Think of the trees shedding leaves, birds leaving where they live to migrate elsewhere, and animals storing food for the winter. Nature has an amazing intelligence that is always responsive to the conditions of Now. I like to think that we humans can take a valuable lesson from this, and apply it in our own lives.

Is there a transition that you would like to make in your own life? Is there an area of life that you would love to shift to something better? Picture the fact that nature is constantly responding to life in such a way that it continues to flourish as much as possible. We can be the same way in our own lives, and achieve amazing results.

Everything in nature is in a constant cycle of shedding and renewal. We humans, however, tend to hold onto things forever, even when such things are old and no longer serve us. This can refer to memories, circumstances, habits, relationships, etc. As a result, we become bogged down and unable to change our lives in the positive ways that we desire.

So my suggestion today is to consider the idea of emulating nature. If something in your life does not support you in flourishing, then perhaps it's time to let it go by shifting your emotional energy. This then frees you to create empowering new results in your life.

Below I've written a short piece to show you how to do this, by using the example of a tree.


The Tale of a Tree

One time we lived in a house where a tree in our garden was dying. It was a sweet tree, and not very big at the time. We did not know why it was dying, but we observed that it was carrying many dead branches. In fact, there were more dead branches than living ones, and the situation was getting worse by the day.

The tree was struggling to put out new growth to sustain itself, but it couldn't muster enough energy to do what was needed. Too much of its energy was being absorbed by the dead and dying branches. It was clear that this tree was not going to make it in the long run.

The situation was desperate enough that we knew the tree's only hope was to remove the dead branches in order to free its energy to produce enough new growth to survive. It was kind of scary because it meant removing most of the tree's branches, and that seemed a little crazy! But we had no choice. It was do or die for this poor tree.

But then a miracle happened. When the dead branches were removed, the tree could devote all of its energy to new growth. It no longer had to support the existence of a part of itself that was contributing nothing to its life anymore. That tree just took off, and started growing branches and new leaves like crazy!

A few years later, the tree was full and beautiful. You would never know that it had suffered and nearly died.

We humans are like that tree. Think about this. How many old things are you carrying in your life that don't support you? How much energy are you expending to maintain the existence of things, habits, beliefs, and circumstances that contribute nothing to your goals and dreams?

Are you struggling to go forward in your life, yet feel that you don't have the energy? Does making positive changes feel like more than you can bear?

The energy that we humans use to sustain the things that no longer serve us is mainly our emotional energy. We continue to invest emotional energy in things that give us little or nothing in return, especially when it comes to our ability to flourish in our lives.

Like the tree supporting dead branches, we are using too much energy to sustain old things, and have insufficient energy left to flourish and grow in life-giving ways.

So ask yourself this question: Is there something you can let go of in order to free up more of your energy to create what you want? Is there some "pruning" that you need to do in your life? It takes a lot of energy to maintain something that gives you little back in return.

Consider taking an example from this beautiful tree. You, too, can grow and flourish if you are willing to remove the things that no longer serve you. Then, like the tree, you will have an abundance of energy that can be redirected toward creating the life that you really want!



Copyright © 2017 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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