How Peace Affects Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Channeled Message from Miribi (Telstar)


It's one thing to say that everyone needs peace, and it's quite another to understand why. If you truly understood the enormous benefits of peace in your life, there is a good chance that you might make it a much higher priority.

Peace does not come naturally in a world where everything is designed to interfere with that peace. Instead, one must be willing to make an effort to align with that experience within himself or herself.

This means that it is important to create the space in your life to focus on that endeavor. But before we talk about how to do that, we must first discuss motivation. Motivation is the energy that you feel when you are inspired to do something that you know will be beneficial to you.


How Peace Affects Your Body

Your body needs peace in order to function effectively. Without peace, your body must expend additional energy to maintain or restore equilibrium and harmony.

The body's natural state is one of peace. A state of peace means that the body is left alone to maintain harmony among all of its systems. In this case, there is no threat to the body's survival, and all of its energy can be devoted to health and well-being. In other words, the body is allowed to function at its maximum level of effectiveness without interference.

If healing is required, then the body can devote its energy to that effort without the additional distraction of tending to its survival due to inappropriate influences that do not support that healing effort.

There is literally no biological function that does not benefit enormously from the tremendously supportive energy of peace.


How Peace Affects Your Mind

The way in which peace affects your mind is huge. Just like with the body, the mind's most optimal state of functioning is when there is peace within.

Your mind is like a brilliant computer that is optimized by love. The light of your brilliant, divine self produces a level of intelligence that is second to none. This is where the source of genius and inspiration originates in your brain.

Like all aspects of your divine self, along with your physical existence, you are meant to function as an unencumbered creator. This means that the light of God and divine love is meant to flow through you with no interference whatsoever.

Peace of mind is known to be a highly desirable state. It aligns the entire body, as well as the way in which your thoughts influence your experience. It brings clarity because it allows the light of your divine intelligence to illuminate all things for you. It creates the space for you to experience the creative genius that you were meant to know.

Peace affects your mind by allowing you to feel creative, empowered, and clear.


How Peace Affects Your Soul

We will use the word "soul" to designate your divine presence on this Earth. This is the you that is infinite and never dies. Peace allows your soul to fully express itself in this world. Peace, in this sense, refers to an unimpeded flow between your soul's life purpose and your physical existence upon this Earth.

From the level of soul, your only desire is for freedom of expression and purpose. You wish to be unencumbered by fear, so that you can focus on living as the divine creator that you are. On this level of things, you truly wish to be authentic!

Peace is an imperative to your soul because it clears the way for your soul to be fulfilled. This is a vastly different state of affairs than feeling stymied by fear at every turn. Your soul exists as an energy and intelligence that, just like a young green plant, desires only to grow towards the light, and find the fullest possible expression of its unique manifestation.


What About Emotions?

Emotions exist as a chemical response to your thoughts. Even in those moments where you feel instantly overcome by emotion, those experiences are still preceded by a flash of thought recognition or mental processing.

Sometimes this can be confusing because if the thought recognition happens faster than what the conscious mind can recognize, it may seem as though the emotions arise out of nowhere. It may seem as though the emotions are caused by some kind of external influence.

Yet, you can easily prove to yourself that this is not true, by observing the fact that one singular situation will affect each person's emotions in entirely unique ways. If it was the circumstance itself creating the emotions, then that manifestation would be uniform in every individual. But, in truth, the way in which each person processes that circumstance either consciously or unconsciously determines exactly what emotional "soup" that person will experience.


Is Peace a "Thing" to be Pursued?

Peace can be defined as your natural state of being when nothing is interfering with that natural state. So, therefore, peace is not actually a "thing". It exists as the perfect equilibrium and balance that occurs when divine love is manifesting in physical form. It occurs when nothing is in the way of that manifestation.

Peace is more about eliminating whatever is in the way of it, and turning your focus to that which encourages it.

For example, if you expose yourself to excess negativity, you will naturally become preoccupied with negativity. Your experience of negativity will likely expand into other areas of your life. The word negativity contains the word "negate". It is an energy that negates your natural experience of peace.

Make sure you remember that negativity can also occur in the realm of your own thoughts. It does not have to be limited only to negative things that you expose yourself to on the outside. You can be just as negative about yourself and your life as anything you encounter from other sources.

Positive observation, on the other hand, refers to the positive allowance of love. It refers to the open acknowledgement of and receptivity regarding your divine self. Positive energy amplifies your experience of peace. It shines a light on the truth of who you really are, and amplifies your true potential.


How Can We Cultivate an Experience of Peace?

You can cultivate an experience of peace by taking responsibility for where you place your focus. The reason that meditation is so helpful in this regard is because it represents a conscious decision to step away from all of the turmoil in life, and focus specifically on that which brings you peace. Each person must decide for themselves how they wish to cultivate a focus on peace and positive thinking. This can be viewed as a necessary spiritual practice that is essential to your health and well-being. It is also essential to your purpose in life.

You can monitor your experience throughout the day, and notice when your deficit of peace is getting much too high. This is the time to step away from whatever is going on, and seek some form of quiet refuge that allows you to reconnect with your heart.

It is also exceedingly helpful to begin your day in a ritual of peace, whatever that means for you. This way you set your day on a positive trajectory of experience, which will also make it much easier to recover whenever you get off track. And you will be much more likely to fall asleep at night in a peaceful state, instead of an agitated state that makes it difficult to relax.

The simplest way to maintain peace in this world is to actively reset your experience, whenever you feel the need. Don't allow things to snowball out of control in an undesirable direction. Step away, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and ask yourself what you can do right now to restore your natural equilibrium of beauty and peace. Namasté.

(Note: This is a channeled message from Miribi of Telstar.) 


Copyright © 2016 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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