Freedom from Suffering
Channeled Message from John of Telstar
Let us begin by defining what suffering is. Suffering is the absence of peace. It should be understood that peace is not the absence of suffering, as some have come to believe.
Why is this? It's because peace is your natural state, that occurs when all is well and all is aligned with the truth of divine love. Peace is a state of being fully present in your natural state of divine love.
So you do not have to acquire peace. It is the state of who you really are, and in truth, peace is a constant.
So that is one less thing you have to do. You do not have to go looking for peace. Peace is not a separate thing that one must seek. It is an all-encompassing state of being.
The fact is that you cannot get rid of peace. You can only enter a delusional state where you think you don't experience it.
What exactly does this mean? If peace is an all-encompassing constant that cannot be removed, then why is it that so much of life appears to be devoid of this experience?
To answer this question, we must observe something called the ego.
The ego can best be defined as a false sense of self.
It is the sense of self that one acquires from contemplating what they are not.
So if you think that God is "out there" and you are somewhere other than God, then your thought processes and perception of self will be defined as "I am not God".
Out of this idea is born the immediate perception that you exist in a space that could only be defined as the absence of God.
And thus, you will become the interminable seeker of peace. Because wherever God is not, there is no peace.
Thus, the absence of peace can only be defined as suffering.
Is Suffering Real?
In the highest sense of the word, the answer is no. But this does not mean that you don't experience it.
And therein lies the problem. Because you don't understand what causes the experience of suffering, you cannot be free of it.
To understand the cause, you must begin with the fact that, in reality, peace is a constant because God is a constant. You must accept the fact that you don't have to go looking for peace.
This is where the ego comes in, and why it is so dangerous to your well-being.
Firstly, you must accept the fact that you are a powerful creator. Nothing can change that. When it is said that you are made in the image and likeness of God, you should take that statement quite literally. It refers to your power as a creator.
If you exist as an extension of God, which you do, then you also extend God's power to create, much like the rays of the sun exist as an extension of the sun's light.
This is a wonderful fact, when all is a manifestation of the truth of divine love.
But it will get you in a lot of trouble if you start believing in lies, such as the lie that God is not somewhere.
Somewhere along the line, humanity chose to believe this erroneous, so-called "fact", and that's when the proverbial "all hell broke loose" occurred in the universe.
That's when the manifestation of suffering began.
In order to believe that there could be a place where God is not, you had to immediately fashion a false identity to match that false reality.
This is why you are always confused. This is why you feel that you can never truly settle on who you really are. Thus there is a constant battle that rages within you, as to what the "truth" really is.
In the modern world of technology, there is a new definition of the word avatar. This refers to an artificial rendition of self that you project your consciousness into, and then pretend to live an alternate life through that false illusion.
Your ego is the ultimate avatar, and a very dangerous one at that. Instead of a computer program, it uses the physical body and mind as its landing place. It removes your consciousness from its true presence in the universe, and instead has you projecting it on this false sense of self, using your body as the vehicle through which it enacts its false reality.
Thus, you learn to think that you are your body and must defend and protect yourself at all costs.
The ego also produces what we shall call a "false mind". This false mind manifests as the thinking, talking voice in your head, that coincidentally sounds just like you!
You may have noticed that this false mind is always confused. It can never decide what's what. It constantly serves you an alternate view of what it just said, and has you living like the proverbial ping pong ball that can never make up its mind.
On the one hand, it will say you should do something. Then it will immediately follow that with a reason why you can't.
It will have you going back and forth trying to resolve the un-resolvable, until you finally get so tired of the pain of that futile exercise, that you look for any distraction you can find to render you basically unconscious to the entire miserable situation.
Then, when you become conscious again, the ego will circle back and beat you up as a failure for following the distraction.
All of this is an attempt to weaken you, and ensure that you lose faith in your ability to create.
The less that you are willing to acknowledge your power to create, the more of an upper hand the ego has with manifesting its illusions.
Suffering is what occurs when the ego has free reign to manifest its ultimate illusion, which is that there is no God where you currently are.
It creates the illusion that God is fickle and unreliable. He/she may show up, and then again, may not. It's always a gamble in the world of the ego.
None of this is real, but you most certainly will have a physical, visceral experience that it is real when this illusion manifests in your experience.
What can you do about this right now?
Before we answer this question directly, let's talk about the single most important impediment that stands in your way.
This impediment is your utter disbelief in your power to create. The ego has so effectively shredded your consciousness, that you have fallen into a state of victimhood, the likes of which is rarely seen in the cosmos.
The ego has literally turned you into a beggar, instead of a creator.
You beg for mercy and forgiveness, rather than standing up for who you truly are.
The fact remains that you exist as a creative power, an extension of God's ability to create. If you choose to believe in the absence of God, anywhere in the universe, that belief will absolutely manifest due to the fact that you exist as a creative energy.
So if you are sick, it's because you believe you are. You believe, without any doubt, that God does not exist where your illness does. And then that is exactly what manifests.
It manifests because you are powerful. It manifests because whatever you believe will come true. Belief is thought that shapes the outcome of creation.
Now do you see why it is dangerous to believe the ego?
The Advanced Version of Understanding
The ego is the voice of a much larger force in this universe. That force is known here as entropy.
Entropy is the condition of degeneration and fragmentation of an orderly system. It is a virtual example of de-evolution. It is the tearing apart of that which God creates.
Of course, scientists on Earth would argue that this phenomenon is absolutely necessary to life and creation. Well, of course it's necessary if you want to preserve that which you already know.
But is this what you really want?
Or do you want to transcend this manifesting illusion and come back home to your senses?
Do you want to see an end to suffering? Or do you want to continue to justify its existence? At some point, you will have to choose.
But for right now, you can begin to choose for yourself. You can recognize that the ego is a destructive force that seeks to tear you down by causing you to believe in it, and believe that it is you.
In fulfilling its perfect definition of entropy, it fragments and disorganizes your consciousness. And then your body follows suit. It's called aging and degeneration.
And like all good forces of entropy, you are eventually reduced to dust, only to fulfill a need to start over again in yet another lifetime.
At some point, you start to feel like a car whose engine never quite turns over. You never really feel like you are getting anywhere.
Each new lifetime is fraught with so many problems, that before you can solve them all, another opportunity has passed you by with hopes and dreams left unfulfilled.
So when is enough, enough?
That moment when you have had enough is quite a momentous occasion!
It means that you have had enough of the ego's control over your thoughts, and you have decided to reclaim your life again.
It means that you have decided to set yourself free.
It means that you recognize the voice of the ego as a destructive force in your life, and one that ultimately seeks your demise as a legitimate creator in this universe.
Do you have any doubt that this is true? Well, just look at your thoughts. Listen carefully to that voice in your head. How much negativity and confusion does it spew into your consciousness on a non-stop basis?
Is this something that you really want to be wedded to?
True Intelligence
When you ignore the ego, you will begin to encounter your true intelligence, and your ability to invoke divine knowledge.
Your true intelligence is of an order of magnitude so vastly beyond the ego's capabilities, that it literally dwarfs the ego into being seen as the infinitesimally tiny no-thing that it truly is.
Your true intelligence is the light that dispels the darkness of the ego's irrelevant musings.
The difference is that your true intelligence does not speak to you in the ordinary dialogue of everyday words.
Instead, it speaks to you with the pure knowledge of your divine heart. Your divine heart is your lifeline to God. It is your lifeline to who you really are as a creator.
True intelligence is a level of being that is not even accessible to the ego's irrelevant rants. Which is why the ego seeks to distract you with fear and crisis at every turn. The goal is to keep you from accessing your true intelligence.
At the end of this discussion, all you really need to know is that it is primarily the ego that induces most of your suffering.
The ultimate definition of suffering is to lose consciousness and belief in your ability to create. The ultimate definition of suffering is to know that somehow you have turned against yourself, and ultimately God, by perpetuating this belief inside of yourself.
God does not punish with suffering. In fact, God does not punish at all!
Humanity punishes itself by believing in the illusions of the ego, which begets a guarantee that those illusions will indeed manifest.
So start with yourself. Wake yourself up, and start paying attention to the voice of the ego and what it says. Recognize that this is indeed a fraudulent version of you, and is not even remotely real.
But recognize that if you believe it, it will most certainly manifest in your experience.
The more that you state the truth to yourself about what you will and will not believe, the more you will realize that you ultimately have complete control over your own freedom from suffering.
(Note: This is a channeled message from John of Telstar.)
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