Create a Life of Beauty by Isadora (Telstar)

If you see yourself as a creator of your own life and experience, it goes without saying that you should create something positive. This begins by setting a standard for yourself. I would wholeheartedly suggest that you begin with a standard of beauty.

In order to understand this, we must first define beauty. To put it simply, beauty is love in form. If you believe that beauty is merely a superficial rendering of someone's esteemed opinion, then there will be much to argue about. But let us instead go directly to the essence of what beauty is in truth.

Wherever love manifests, there beauty will appear as well. You cannot go wrong with this approach, as it is unique and authentic to every individual. To create beauty, you simply have to ensure that everything you create is imbued with love. We are not talking about subjective love, which is a poor substitute for true love since it is viewed through the eyes of judgement and ego.

We are talking about inspired love. Love that just is, because it wants to be. Love that is elevated and requires no justification whatsoever. This is the sort of love that takes you by surprise, if you will let it. It is what some might call unreasonable. You have probably experienced this kind of love many times and didn't realize it because it is so natural. It is the kind of love that you feel when appreciating the unexpected beauty in nature. It is the love that immediately surfaces when you experience the utter purity of the natural world.

So how does one apply such an experience of natural love and beauty to everyday life? Well, first you must intend it. It must be important to you. Since the rational mind is fond of needing a reason for everything, let's give it one. Beauty is what is experienced when love appreciates love. In other words, whatever exists in its purest form of authenticity is already a product of love in the most divine sense. You, being a pure manifestation of God itself, exist as love in its pure conscious expression. When you, who are love, appreciate a creation of love, it is like God meeting God. Something ignites inside of you that could be termed joy, ecstasy, and fulfillment.

I am perfectly aware that there are those who would say this is all too lofty for everyday life. To those, I would suggest that you consider raising your standards. After all, what is the harm in having a lofty goal? Why settle for mere ordinary existence? It is far too easy to believe that such high expectations are out of reach of the masses. Yet if this is the very definition of the masses, then why not exit the masses altogether? You do have that prerogative, you know.

So I am here to encourage a much higher standard of living as you contemplate the life that you wish to create. I am not speaking monetarily when I say this. I am referring to a standard of experience that honors and sanctifies your soul. Your soul, your heartfelt, deepest self, longs to experience beauty, because it longs to touch and experience love. It longs to experience God in human form. That human form is you. When you allow such a profound expression of beauty to emerge in terms of how you see yourself and your life, then the hand of God has indeed been allowed to touch the Earth.

 (Note: This is a channeled message from Isadora of Telstar.) 


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