Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life
by Saratoga Ocean
Have you ever tried to make major changes in your life, only to find yourself reverting back to your old ways again and again? In order to understand why this happens, we have to understand the mind as a creative force.
As Mikhail (Archangel Michael) once told me - "The mind creates everything. I mean everything." Mostly what we do, as human beings on Earth, is react to things that are already happening around us. We seldom function as creators in our own right. Our constant mode of reacting saps our strength, leaving little energy for creating the lives we want.
Let's begin this with a mental shift about how we view our own thoughts and perceptions. Firstly, ask yourself how you view what you think about. Do you mostly think about things that have already occurred? Do you mostly think about the way things are right now? Are you mainly preoccupied with the physical evidence of what already exists in your life?
If the answer to the above questions is yes, then the first thing to recognize is that regularly thinking about what already exists in your life serves as an ongoing affirmation to retain that exact same state of affairs.
There are two ways to look at everything
Let's begin by describing the typical way that most people look at life. You look at the physical evidence around you, and then decide that this is the way that it is. And, yes, this is true, but how did it get that way?
Most people would say that it got that way mostly due to events that were created around you by forces other than yourself. Some might even say that God just made it that way for you.
But maybe the way that it is persists because you keep envisioning it in exactly the same way. As Telstar, we call this a "reverse-flow" way of looking at things. This means that you view your life based upon the things that have already happened. You look at the physical evidence around you, and use that evidence to determine how you think about yourself and your life. This is looking at life from the outside in.
The problem with this way of viewing things is that it makes it difficult or impossible for things to change for the better. Every time you look around and say to yourself that "This is the way it is for me", you are affirming a mental statement for that reality to continue.
Now let's talk about the second way of looking at things. We call this way a "radiating flow" of visioning. This means that you understand that the source of your vision of life begins from within. It forms in your own mind, and then radiates outward into the world.
Thus everything in your outer world magnetically arranges itself to correspond with that inner vision. Some call this the law of attraction. When you understand this, you will begin to realize that you have an awesome mental power to create!
The Most Important Paradigm Shift
The most important paradigm shift has a lot to do with how you are positioned in your own mind. If you want to change your life, you will have to begin by choosing between the above two ways of looking at things.
You can either continue to affirm the way things are, and then ineffectively struggle to remove yourself from that trap. Or you can stand back and observe the way it is now, and decide if you want to keep it that way. If the answer is no, then recognize why it persists and come to terms with how it got created and what you must do to change it.
This means to make a conscious decision to form a new vision that is more to your liking. It means to abandon the idea that you must first see physical evidence in order to know if something is real.
Here's how it works: Consciousness is a living, breathing, moving phenomenon. It is not stationary or stagnant. Your outside world and your inside world move together like in a dance. Which came first is immaterial. What matters is where the power lies. The belief that we are separate from our outside world is a false belief that keeps us strangulated. It is why we often feel that we have no power to change.
If you recognize that your thoughts and your outer world mirror each other exactly, you will begin to see that your power in the matter lies within your own thoughts. Now you can make a decision about what you want those thoughts to be.
Take back your power
With the above realization, it is time to take back your power. It's time to build the blueprint for a new life right inside of your own mind.
This may not be easy at first. You are probably in a well-entrenched habit of determining everything from the outside-in. Your brain is probably deeply tracked in this reverse-flow kind of visioning.
So initially, it may feel like you are building an alternate reality inside your mind that appears to exist behind the so-called "real one" that you see on the outside. But that's okay! It will seem this way at first because there is no outer physical evidence to verify what you are thinking about. There is nothing wrong with that. The physical reality comes later, after you have built sufficient strength on the inside.
Make sure you don't sabotage this process for yourself by abandoning it prematurely because there is no evidence in your outer world. In a radiating flow, the new mental paradigm always gets built first.
Create a better paradigm
Once you have re-positioned yourself as described above, it's time to transition to a newer, more desirable paradigm. Here's how to do that:
First, recognize your old paradigm. Your old paradigm is represented by a literal mental blueprint or filter through which you view your life. It is comprised of thoughts, feelings, physical experiences, and memories. Together, these things form the basis for how you see your life right now. This invisible blueprint through which you experience your life forms your current fundamental paradigm of reality.
Now imagine a new paradigm that corresponds to a new, more desirable life. What will that feel like? How will you view each day in that new paradigm? How will you view life in general? How might you do things differently?
You will likely not be able to put this together all at once. It is better to play around with it on a daily basis until it begins to settle into something that starts to gel for you. It will probably happen in stages.
Remember that your consciousness is a living thing. It is a part of nature. A flower grows slowly, always reaching for the light. In the same way, you can naturally build a new paradigm for yourself, as you reach for a newer, better way of looking at your life.
There are no rules when it comes to your private, personal evolution. Let your heart direct your thoughts toward a much better way of looking at things, and watch your world begin to evolve into something fulfilling, inspiring, and joy producing for you!
Copyright © 2016 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.