Be the Light by Miribi (Telstar)

Dearest friends, the world needs your light right now, and so do you. What do I mean by this? I am referring to the light of your consciousness. That which makes you alive and provides you with your individual beingness exists as a light of immense, infinite proportions.

What is the nature of the divine light that is you? Its first and foremost nature is that of Love. It carries with it a warmth and brilliance that is second to none. It's nature is that of healing, presence, and divine intelligence. It is kindness and patience personified. This, my dearest friends, is the light that exists behind the filters of human perception. Those filters are what tend to confuse you about your true identity. In reality, the light behind such filters supersedes all other human functions.

Imagine the following: Imagine that you have a light bulb that is allowed to shine forth without any impediments whatsoever. Its light is clear, bright, and uninterrupted. It is complete in its full radiance. Now what do you suppose happens if you place a filter in front of that light? The magnitude of its brilliance will be instantly diminished.

Life on Earth is very much like this analogy. Your full brilliance as a being of light is naturally unimpeded in its infinite state. But here on your finite planet, many filters of perception are placed over that light, thereby diminishing its brilliance. What are these filters made of? They are primarily made up of thoughts, which therefore influence your perception.

For example, in your true nature you exist as pure and perfect Love. Yet due to things that may have happened to you in the form of negative experiences, you may now harbor negative thoughts against yourself or against those around you. These negative thoughts act as filters that impede and diminish the brilliant light of your consciousness. When you place enough of these filters in front of your original, clear perception, your consciousness becomes more dim. Just as if you placed multiple layers of fabric over a light bulb, the room would become more dark.

The experiential manifestation of these negative filters of thought can manifest in a multitude of ways. They can manifest as experiences of cynicism, hopelessness, emptiness, boredom, lack of imagination, and even depression. Each of these types of experiences is evidence of a reduced experience of the natural light within. Some people would even refer to them as "dark moods". Do you see the comparison between this and a dark room where the light bulb is covered up?

Now let us look at the planetary whole. If we apply this same principle to the larger realm of humanity, you can imagine each and every human being as a light. Each person experiences their own light and emanates that light to varying degrees. Some people experience a great deal of light, and emanate that presence in the form of happiness, confidence, creativity, kindness, and love. Other people who perhaps have a tremendous density of negative filters will seem diminished and dark by comparison. And then, of course, there is every degree of this in between.

The overall realm of human consciousness always benefits from a higher magnitude of light among its human inhabitants. On the other hand, the human realm of consciousness indeed suffers wherever such light is diminished. So we implore you, for your own benefit and the benefit of all humanity, to seek to rediscover that light within and allow it to shine forth, no matter what your situation. The filters that may exist against that light are merely thoughts held onto in the form of belief.

You have the innate power to dismiss such thoughts and beliefs as the mere filters that they are. Any attachment that you may have to negative thoughts about yourself only harms you and robs the planet of the additional human light that is needed by all.

Remember how important you are, and remember that you matter. The world needs the light of every living being. Be that light and cease to identify yourself with any negative filters that may be obscuring your radiance. Remember that absolutely nothing in the entire universe can destroy your brilliance. It may be covered by filters, but it cannot be eliminated any more than the sun can be eliminated by the clouds overhead. Allow yourself and everyone else to benefit from the radiant light that you are.


(Note: This is a channeled message from Miribi of Telstar.)


Copyright © 2014 by Saratoga Ocean/Telstar Events, Inc.

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